Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Promises Promises

Ok, so I promised Monette that I'd finally figure out what I did wrong and fix it. Voila...done. I posted some pics and I am now sitting here actually blogging. If thats what you call this. You all already know how bad I am at this and it wouldn't come full circle until Anna actually kept up with the bunch.....says who?

Here's where I get to bitch about Rae leaving me for the whole weekend. Hah, me a way ;). Bite me.

Shannon my sexy bubbly redhead...stop drinking and getting nekkid. Leaving your old job is no excuse to have a party...without me that is. Congratulations again sweety.

Monette, my love I am a Chris get your head out of there already.

I am still waiting on my paper kiss Jenn, lord knows I need one after the weekend I had. Hell, make Les send me one too. Two is always better than one :).

My lovely Amanda...can I please have my Tiara back, I don't care that you look cuter in it than I do, thats besides the point. Ok feel me up and I'll let you keep it another week.

Maurice love, I'm not the only one falling behind here, get with the program. There must be some office politics going on by now hon, you've been there two weeks.

Sending extra special hugs to my beautiful Auds, my sexy Jess and one gorgeous hunk of southern man Jamie...they've had a few tough weeks and I love them oodles and oodles and no I wasn't trying to cop a free feel, although....ok damn I couldn't help it.

It's 6am and I'm braindead but let it be known that Anna does keep her promises. No I was not cybering til 6am. Sickos ;).

If I sleep I may actually write something inspirational later. Then again, who am I kidding?

I love this bunch of freakin nuts.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

muwaaa aka kissy sounds .. Ya knows I loves ya! Les does too, for that matter.

6:46 AM  
Blogger Amanda said...


10:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what about John and your kids, ever thought of thanking them?

1:16 PM  

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