Friday, August 04, 2006

No existe la soledad

Si tienes un amigo, has merecido un don divino. La amistad leal, sincera, desinteresada, es la verdadera comunion de las almas.

Es la verdadera manifestacion del amor en la pareja, porque este suelo ser celoso, egoista y volnerable cuando no hay amistad en ella. La verdadera amistad perdura y se fortalece a traves del tiempo y la distancia.

No se necesita ver frecuentemente al amigo para que la amistad perdure, basta saber que este respondera cuando sea necesario, con un acto de afecto, de comprension, y aun de sacrificio.

La amistad no se conquista, no se impone, se cultiva como una flor, se abona con pequenos detalles de cortesia, de tenura y de lealtad; se riega con las aguas vivas del desinteres y de carino silencioso. No importan las distancias, los niveles sociales, los anos o las culturas. La amistad lo supera todo.

El recuerdo del amigo lejano, del amigo del ninez o el de la joventud, produce la intima alegria de haberlos conocido. Nuestra vida se entriquecio con su contacto por breve que haya sido.

La felicidad del amigo nos dea falicidad. Sus penas se vuelen nuestras porque hay un maravilloso lazo invisible que une a los amigos. La amistad es bella sobre toda poderacion.

Para el que tiene un amigo, no existe la soledad.


Blogger The Witch Doctor said...

the online translators absolutely suck butt...
I think I got the jist of it tho...
I doubt you were talking about me...but then again I dunno how far off the translator

anyway this is really just an excuse to give ya a big hug and say I wuvs you Anna Banana...

10:33 AM  
Blogger Moon said...

MAN!!! Thats just not fair lol. Being french I can get a few words but fuck if I understand any meaning to what u wrote...and I wuvs u too Anna Banana FoFee Fanna

1:05 PM  
Blogger Anna said...

It goes a lil something like this:

If you have a friend then you've earned a great gift. A sincere, loyal, disinterested friendship is like two souls united.

True friendship is not jealous or egotistical. True friendship becomes stronger and lasts for all time. You don't need to see your friend frequently to make the friendship last, knowing that they are there for you when you need them is a sincere act of affection and is enough.

You can't conquer a friendship, it must be cultivated like a flower. Given water to live. Small gestures of courtesy and loyalty without being disinterested, given quiet love.

Memories of a distant friend whether it is a childhood friend or a young adulthood friend give you more happiness than you know. Our life is affected by the contact of a friend no matter how brief.

Our friend's happiness is our happiness. their pain is our pain.
There is an invisible lasso that ties our friendship together.
Friendship is the most beautiful thing you can have.

He who has a friend is never alone.

1:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was beautiful. I could not agree with you more. Friendship is indeed the most beautiful thing you can have.

10:39 AM  

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