Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Check In

We rented a lot of movies this month since everyone was home sick for most of it and quite a few of them we watched over the long holiday weekend. The Libertine was one of them, Johnny Depp was outstanding as Rochester. There was something about the quote in this scene that just grabbed me:

Jane: They say men fall three times. First is calf love; second is the one you marry.
Rochester: And third??
Jane: Third. Third is your deathbed bride. You sniff er, you sniff your own shroud.
Rochester: Ahh how you have cheered me.

Probably because I'm gonna end up someone's deathbed bride.

A list of the others:

Just my luck
Ice Age the meltdown
In her shoes
Brother Bear 2
The DaVinci Code
Nacho Libre

There were more but I'm too tired to think right now, I had a long day and have another one tomorrow. I'll edit the list when I am more awake ;). As you can see we watched mostly kids movies. I rented Superman Returns and AntBully today but we didn't get to watch them yet.

Today was John's birthday so we all went out to dinner. Yesterday was Jonathan's birthday but he wanted pizza so we ordered in and played with his birthday presents. Joshua's birthday was on Thanksgiving. All the men in my household were born within days of eachother. No wonder I'm always broke before Christmas!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Broke before Christmas? Ha ha, I'm always broke before Christmas, Valentine's Day, Easter, New Year's Day, July 4th. Actually I'm broke about 95% of the year. I guess thats what happens when you become friends with a guy named Bill. Thuganomics.

11:10 AM  

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