Friday, April 28, 2006

Ohhh the pain!!

If you've been wondering where I've been for a week my DSL has been fuckered. Not having a reliable connection is a pain in the @$$. I'm lucky enough to be on dial up at the moment to post this. I'm sure none of you really missed me ;).

I fell down on wednesday and and hurt myself again (for those that know about the first fall a week before when I hurt my back) this time I sprained my left ankle and got a gash in my thigh so now I'm hobbling about and in a good amount of pain. Bad timing, tomorrow is my uncle's wedding which means I won't be having as much fun as I was planning on, no dancing for me :( . I'll be lucky if I can get my heels on. How retarded would I look all dressed up and wearing sandals huh?

The kids have spring fever. With the nice weather we're having they are wanting to be outside from the time they get home from school until it's dark. We've explained to them that they can only be out there if an adult is watching but that doesn't seem make a difference to them when they sneak out the back door and go in front to ride their bikes and roller blades. The problem is they think they're old enough to be running in and out by themselves and it's driving me nuts. Today, my mom took them to the playground and Rosie decided to run back home to get her bike without even telling her. My mom lost it looking for her and her heart starting hurting, she thought someone had kidnapped her. At 6 years old she thinks she's grown enough to do as she pleases. I dunno, it wasn't this hard with Josh.

Hope everyone had a good week, I'll check in later if my connection cooperates.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Why is your heart weeping little girl?

It's saddened by a family so totally torn to shreds it can barely breathe. A family that played, fought, celebrated and grew together with all it's good and bad; a big close loving family that made a family that large such a wonderful idea. My grandmother was the backbone of this family, even when she was in Puerto Rico we could all feel the strength of her love and that's what held it together for all those years. She died wanting only that it stayed together after she was gone and we let her down.

Now, it's just a tree. All the leaves dangling on branches broken from the trunk, barely connected.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Back home again

We had a pretty good time on vacation. A few fun days...

Our first stop was in Nashville to see John's godbrother and family, it was a pleasant afternoon with them. They have the cutest pet rabbit which the kids totally loved. We had lunch and then the kids had a great time playing soccer and actually learning how to use a real bow and arrow. Rosie even got to help pull weeds from the garden.

When we arrived in Gainesville we had breakfast and spent a little time with my cousins. Got the tour of their new home, they have a cool indoor porch swing they made from a broken chair (one of those big round ones) my cousins are creative like that. Well the kids would sit in it and twist it aound and let it spin until they got dizzy. As we were sitting in the porch a duck walked up to the door and the kids started to feed it and it stayed around for some time. We had a really nice time while we were there.

We drove to the property in Palm Coast, it was absolutely gorgeous. I loved it immediately. We walked around the neighborhood and even talked to one of the neighbors. We all felt like it was the place we wanted to be so if all goes well that's where we'll be building our new home. The kids approve wholeheartedly.

We spent three days in Orlando, the first day we took the kids to Universal Islands of Adventures. John enjoyed the theme park with the kids as I spent the day with my mom and his mom and aunt at Universal's CityWalk shops and even took in a movie. V for Vendetta was pretty good by the way.

The next day we took it easy and hang out at the pool and then drove to Port Charlotte to see the second property. It too was beautiful, by the water (I love water!) but as we drove it was visibly an area more prone to hurricanes, there were several there last season we were told. The Palm Coast property is alot less likely for that.

The whole next day was spent at Seaworld. We all thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. The shows were spectacular, we even got to see Shamu practice for the upcoming Believe Show, what we saw was awesome.

We had planned to spend thursday just hanging around and then having dinner with my other cousin who lives in Orlando but ended up leaving for home a day early which threw off every other plan I had. I didn't get to see Jenn :( which I was totally disappointed about and then when I thought I could go see Amanda we ended up staying in Tennessee and going to Ruby Falls which was an amazing experience. We walked a mile underground through caverns to get to an amazing underground waterfall.

We made it home friday night and were all exhausted and extremely happy about being able to sleep in our own beds.

Monday, April 03, 2006

It's Spring!!!!

I love spring almost as much autumn. I'm not too fond of losing an hour of sleep though. It was hard to get up today, not just for me but for everyone in the house.

I've been so busy the past few weeks that I haven't really had time to post or even chat very often even though I've really wanted to. I've had a few good topics too ;). I put one of them in Peachy's comment section and hopefully she'll use it *snickers*. The other I might actually blog about this week if I have time.

I'm really excited about our trip to Florida though. We'll be leaving here on friday night, driving to Tennessee to visit John's godbrother then on to Gainesville to visit my cousins and from there we're going to Port Charlotte to see one of the properties. We're also gonna hang out in Orlando for a few days with my other cousin. Then off to see the second property in Palm Coast. Back to Gainesville and then on to Georgia where I'm gonna stop in on Jenn. (Shhh...she doesn't know yet!!) and finally home. That's the plan, it may change a bit but at least we have an idea.